It started over 17 years ago with the word BELIEVE. Every year a word finds me and I focus on that word for a year. There has been peace, vision, trust, grow, grace and love. During 2021, my word was REBUILD. And yes that word found me too!

It starts with an intention or sometimes a question. That is how this year’s word found me…it began with a question. As many of you know, this year has been filled with loss in my family. It has been exceptionally difficult. As I would rebuild one area of my life/business, another would get knocked down. I battled extreme sadness and feeling overwhelmed every day. One very bleak day after a meditation practice, in the stillness I asked, “What do I need to do to get out of this funk?” Start with self care was the answer.
I decided I was spending too much time working…whether it was on my business or on my Mom’s estate. I asked some members at the Centre if they could recommend a good book. The members at the Centre are avid readers and had many suggestions.

After a few moments on Google, I found the book at my local bookstore. I may have a not so small collection of coffee mugs and tea cups. Even so, I felt called to go find these mugs by Ellen Degeneres. I felt a new mug would go well with my self care mission. And that is where it first found me…JOY! Now there were many words on these mugs. Oh! Joy just stood out! I loved the colours and it felt so good in my hands (like every mug or cup should!)
I wasn’t quite convinced that joy was the word for 2022. I wondered if it was. Wonder is like a question to the Universe. The answer began to appear. It happened when I was texting with my friend Jeannie. We had a conversation about your enneagram. At the end of the message she typed, “enJOY.”

And that’s when it happens… I feel the conviction that this is the word. My word for 2022. Then, it begins to appear everywhere. Maybe because I begin to look for it or perhaps because my intention begins to manifest it for me. I see it at the mall or in the grocery store. I even found it on a pair of pjs with the word Joy embroidered on the left side over the heart. (Yes they are my new Christmas pajamas.) It simply works that way for me and it can work that way for you too.
Joy is a big word! It is a big step when you feel overwhelmed and sad. I have to consistently remind myself… it is all about the journey not the destination!
What about you? Are you ready to look for your word? Maybe it has already been trying to get your attention? Maybe it is something that you want to bring more of into your life? There are many ways to start. You could look for a word generator. They are fun. Words fly by at a rapid pace on your screen and you take a screen shot. Whatever word is in the picture, that’s your word of the year! Or spend some time in a silent meditation. Before you begin, ask the question, “What is MY word of the year?” I like meditating in a rocking chair. I find the movement soothing and peaceful.
What ever way you decide, I hope you enJOY finding your word!
Happy New Year!
Be The Great Day!
Happy JOYful 2022, Laurie.
I do the same thing every year and this year my word is Harmony